Onze Queens

It’s easy to be mean to people and it costs nothing to be kind. I choose to be kind.

That's what she said

Miss Chantelle

Miss Chantelle

Look in the mirror everyday, and say I love you to the person you see.

That's what she said

Miss Deanira

Miss Deanira

i've always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be.

That's what she said

Miss G

Miss G

Shine Your Inner Beauty Through Your Hair

That's what she said

Miss Gabriela

Miss Gabriela

Just like my hair, I'm always growing, always changing

That's what she said

Miss Kristel

Miss Kristel

Een dag niet gelachen, is een dag niet geleefd!

That's what she said

Miss Meredith

Miss Meredith

Your hair does not define you, it amplifies you...

That's what she said

Miss Natascha

Miss Natascha

Express your inside and outside. Don't be afraid of what the world thinks.

That's what she said

Miss Rashida

Miss Rashida

Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.

That's what she said

Miss Richantely

Miss Richantely

''All these wise words, but what's the truth?''

That's what she said

Miss Ritania

Miss Ritania

Be the role model you needed when you were younger

That's what she said

Miss Shanisa

Miss Shanisa

De kracht van schoonheid, begint bij het moment dat jij jezelf bent!

That's what she said

Miss Sharron

Miss Sharron

Living my dreams instead of my fears and enjoy life while doing it

That's what she said

Miss Shivana

Miss Shivana

Do you and stay true.

That's what she said

Miss Soraya

Miss Soraya