Onze Queens

The best you, is the inner you

That's what she said

Miss Afranina

Miss Afranina

Be a better you

That's what she said

Miss Aimée

Miss Aimée

Speak your dreams into existence!

That's what she said

Miss Chanice

Miss Chanice

Even the strongest energy will expire when ignored or taken for granted

That's what she said

Miss Dionysa Fraisha

Miss Dionysa Fraisha

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself

That's what she said

Miss Iraida

Miss Iraida

Difficult roads leads to beautiful destinations

That's what she said

Miss Jaleesa

Miss Jaleesa

Being natural is not a statement, it's the closest I can get to being myself!

That's what she said

Miss Jaleesa

Miss Jaleesa

The world is yours!!

That's what she said

Miss Joely

Miss Joely

Its up to you to make your dream come true!

That's what she said

Miss Kiswana

Miss Kiswana

Shine Bright like a diamond! 

That's what she said

Miss Lianne

Miss Lianne

Wees degene die jij nodig had toen jij jong was

That's what she said

Miss Ruminaily

Miss Ruminaily

"I am not what happened to me, I am who I choose to become"

That's what she said

Miss Synthia

Miss Synthia

Love yourself unconditionally

That's what she said

Miss Xafiera

Miss Xafiera

Life  begins…… at the end of your comfortzone

That's what she said

Miss Yumila

Miss Yumila